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The MSc in Agrobiology gives a good basis for employment within agricultural production both nationally and globally.


The degree programme provides academic knowledge about primary agriculture based on research at the highest international level in animal production, plant production, agriculture in a global perspective and organic farming.

As a student you will obtain specialist knowledge in aspects of agriculture relating to quality, biology, communication, technology and organisation.


Knowledge and communication

The degree equips you with tools to evaluate, select and utilise both theoretical and practical methods to clarify relationships in primary agriculture.

Graduates in agrobiology will also be equipped to communicate knowledge about agricultural matters at both scientific and more popular levels.


Structure of the degree programme

During the first term you can choose among four lines: Animal health and welfare, Plant nutrition and health, Agriculture in a global perspective and Organic agriculture, each comprising two compulsory courses. These lines will give you holistic, research-based knowledge ranging from the genetic background material in agricultural production to the quality of the end product.

In the second term you will be able to choose among many optional courses, which can have a broad or a more specialised basis.

In the third term you will be able to either continue to specialise or fine-tune your degree or start on your MSc thesis.

On the Agrobiology degree programme you will have the choice of a thesis of either 30, 45 or 60 ECTS credits.


Animal health and welfare

Students taking the Animal health and welfare line take a package of courses followed by specialisation within topics such as animal breeding, applied behavioural biology, animal diseases or food science.

The aim of the package is to ensure that the student obtains basic insight into the basis for an animal-based food production. During the degree programme the most fundamental mechanisms for production both at animal and herd level will be examined, including conditions relevant to animal health, welfare and the quality of the raw materials.

On completion of the degree programme the student will be able to assess the energy and nutrient requirements of livestock for growth purposes, milk production and reproduction and assess the interaction between management, production, health and animal welfare in typical livestock production systems.

The degree programme gives students the required qualifications to be able to follow the teaching in the optional animal-oriented courses. The line concludes with a short or long experimentally-based thesis within primary animal production.

The line is targeted at careers in which knowledge of primary animal production plays a central role (for example, as production advisors, teachers in agricultural colleges or in jobs in public administration or research).


Plant nutrition and health

In the first term this line comprises the courses Crop nutrition and physiology and Crop pests - biology and control. The package is followed by a specialisation within for example specific crop groups (foods, feed and bioenergy), cropping systems and plant biotechnology.

The two courses analyse the plant’s physiological reactions in the soil-plant-atmosphere system. They focus on the many conditions that can promote or inhibit plant growth, for example nutrient supply and pests and diseases. The aim of the package is to give students a basic insight into the elements of plant growth that are common for all crops. The approach is characterised by being problem- and project-oriented. The knowledge acquired with this package will ensure optimum gain from the subsequent optional courses. The course concludes with a shorter or longer thesis within primary plant production.

The Plant nutrition and health degree programme is aimed at careers in which knowledge about primary plant production is a prerequisite, for example as production advisors, in commercial plant breeding, as teachers at agricultural and technical colleges and in research, but the line would also form a good basis for jobs in public administration where expertise in plant production would be an advantage in, for example, local administration.


Agriculture in a global perspective

This line gives knowledge about agriculture in both industrialised and developing countries and an understanding of the interaction from a sociological point of view. In the first term the student will complete a programme comprising the courses Structure of global agricultural production and Natural resources for global agricultural production.

Subsequently, the student will have the possibility of designing a degree programme that comprises several optional courses and a final thesis. A period of study abroad may be an important component of the work on the thesis.

The line package is targeted at students who wish to work internationally with agricultural production, trade and the trade in foods.

The package helps students achieve a holistic view of the global food production to enable them to work with production under the varied conditions in the different parts of the world. This package will not be offered until 2009.


Organic agriculture

This line comprises the two introductory courses Organic agriculture – farm management and production and Organic agriculture – quality and environment, followed by a number of optional courses where students can pitch their degree programme to the chosen direction.

In the two courses we will be working with fundamental factors and processes that are important in organic crop and animal productions and that therefore can be used as quantitative and qualitative control mechanisms.

We will also be working with issues relating to individual farm types, to the organic production segments and to the interaction between organic productions and society at large.

The basic protection of the environment and the promotion of animal welfare that are defined in the organic principles and regulations will form part of the analyses of opportunities and barriers for the development of organic farming.

The approach is characterised by a high degree of interdisciplinarity with emphasis on project work and on contact to farms and research. The line concludes with a thesis on a subject with relation to organic farming, which can lead to employment opportunities in areas supporting the development of organic farming and food production. This includes advisory work, teaching, research and management.


Entry requirements

Prospective students will need a bachelor’s degree (BSc) in agriculture or biological sciences.


Number of credits

120 ECTS


Autumn term begins

The degree programme commences 25 August 2008.


Deadline for applications

1 June 2008. Application to the MSc in Agrobiology.


Further information

If you would like further information about the degree programmes, please apply here.