Blichers Allé 20 P.O. Box 50 8830 Tjele tel:+45 8999 1900 fax:+45 8999 1619 [email protected] |
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The aim of The Department of Biosystems Engineering is to research and develop techniques for agriculture with focus on high technology. The department is divided into two research groups, The Research Group for Automation and System Engineering, and The Research Group for Environmental Technology, as well as two commercial units: The Biogas Plant at Research Centre Foulum and Engineering Centre Bygholm in Horsens.
Automation and System Engineering
The research group focuses on high technological projects to promote the development of new technologies and production systems. New technologies will ensure better animal welfare, less use of resources, a better working environment and reduce the external inconveniences as well as the environmental impact. We work towards our goals through research in i.e. sensor systems, robots and technology for organic farming to reach our targets.
Environmental Technology
The objects of this group are environment and emission with special emphasis on odour, ammonia and greenhouse gases from stables, manure stores and distribution of manure. Furthermore, research in technologies for handling and treatment of animal manure from animals to plants are being conducted, including techniques for separation of manure and biogas production from manure and energy crops. Research in mathematical/physical models for examining the consequences of arrangements in animal production and optimization of the decision support systems are also performed.
The Biogas plant
The plant was inaugurated in 2007 to promote biogas production. The research includes development of new technologies and optimization of well known technologies focusing on the reduction of the negative environmental impacts ensued from the production of biogas, such as odour.
The plant includes four platforms:
1. The main plant, producing electricity and district heating on a commercial basis
2. The pilot plant consisting of four reactors sized 10-30 m3
3. A micro plant consisting tests on a laboratory base
4. A 400 m2 test hall for animal manure tests.
The pilot and micro plants and the test hall are used by the department’s scientists and by external companies, the latter renting the facilities for a shorter or a longer term.
Burrehøjvej 43
DK–8830 Tjele
Invoices should be forwarded to Blichers Alle 20, DK-8830 Tjele
Engineering Center Bygholm
The engineering centre is formerly known as Research Centre Bygholm. At the centre requested testing of farming equipment for private companies is carried out, e.g.
- Precision of spreaders for fertilizer, salt and chalk
- Ventilation equipment for animal housing
- Safety testing of tractor cockpits.
Schüttesvej 17-21
P.O. Box 140
DK-8700 Horsens
Apart from the core research activities, the department also provides tuition and education for national and international students and scientists who gain parts of their degrees through research projects supervised by the department’s own research staff.
The department is vividly involved in the master’s education programme Biosystems Engineering provided by Aarhus University.