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Food science

Postboks 50, 8830 Tjele
tel:+45  +45 89 99 11 63
fax:+45  +45 89 99 15 64
[email protected]

Research Centre Foulum

Research director:  Jacob Holm Nielsen


The aim of the activities at the department is to develop tools and
concepts which can be used to control the production and handling of raw materials in such a way that they fulfil the demands by consumers and the food processing industry, nationally as well as
internationally. Moreover, these tools and concepts must form the basis of presentation of knowledge to the highest level within the area.

The activities are based on research which enables control of the
quality of raw materials of importance for i) consumer-perceived food quality, ii) nutritional and health value, and iii) applicability for
further processing. The research is focussed on control of the quality of raw materials through a basic understanding of physiological, biochemical, chemical and physical processes during production, and how these processes can be influenced through handling, production parameters (such as genetics, feed supply/feeding and other production conditions) and process technology parameters. This also includes identification of biochemical, chemical and physical markers which can be used as tools in quality optimization from farm to fork.

The department is organized in the following three research areas:

which are assisted by the department administration.


To increase the basic understanding of factors of importance for the development of the quality of raw materials with the aim to control this development to the benefit of a competitive, sustainable and safe production of raw materials of a high and desired quality.


The food science area aims to be part of”Network of Excellences”
within the research focus field in order to form the basis for holistic
solutions within the food area to the benefit of consumers, industry
and the international community. The food science area will participate actively in the presentation of research and in education at the highest level within its competence, nationally as well as internationally, and sustain a highly qualified land-use policy and contingency support and advisory services within the area of quality of raw materials.