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Department of Integrated Pest Management

Forsøgsvej 1
DK-4200 Slagelsetel:+45  89 99 35 00
fax:+45  89 99 35 01
[email protected]

Research Centre Flakkebjerg

Research director:  Jørgen Brøchner Jespersen


The main objective of the research effort is to contribute to efficient and environmentally acceptable prevention and control of pests in crop production, animal husbandry, and food processing, in structures, in private homes and in society in general. The department’s activities include research into honeybees with special emphasis on diseases, and implementation of measures against diseases that are under public supervision. In addition to pest problems directly related to agriculture, the department is involved in research concerning e.g. human head lice, rats in urban areas, weed control in public areas, and plant protection in sports arenas.

An important goal for the activities is a reduction of the application of pesticides in Denmark. To support this goal research activities include investigations of chemical, biological and physical control methods as well as the possibilities of combining them into IPM-strategies. Within the field of plant protection, research is focused the possibilities for applying reduced and appropriate dosages of pesticides in conventional agriculture and methods for plant protection in organic farming. Biological control in combination with targeted application of pesticides is being developed for control of insect pests in animal husbandry. The application of molecular biology for diagnostic methods and determination of resistance/host plant traits and pesticide resistance is increasing. The department is also involved in research into methods for determination of possible unintentional side effects of gene-modified crops on flora and fauna.

Decision support systems are important instruments in the process of minimising the application of pesticides in agriculture. New technology based on molecular biology for quantitative detection of pests combined with GPS/GIS systems is expected to lead to site-specific application related to the local presence and intensity of pests in a single field. The department will contribute to the development of these techniques in collaboration with relevant technological research teams.

Research into residues of pesticides, their migration and decomposition as well as the fate of other chemical compounds related to plant protection is very important in the process of developing IPM.

The department is engaged in research of relevance to collaboration with countries in Eastern Europe and developing countries.

The department supports the Danish Environmental Protection Agency concerning efficacy evaluation and registration of new pesticides and by participating in meetings in EU and EPPO (European Plant Protection Organisation) concerning pesticides and microbiological control agents. The department acts as advisor for the Danish Medicines Agency, FAO, WHO and OECD. The department is responsible for, on behalf of the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, administrating GEP-authorisation of companies and units that are engaged in efficacy testing of pesticides.


The mission of the department is to produce and disseminate new knowledge about pests (weeds, diseases of plants and honeybees, insects and rodents) based on an internationally acknowledged research effort. This effort must lead to efficient and environmentally acceptable methods for prevention and control of pests in crop production, animal husbandry, and food processing, in structures, private homes and in society in general. The department thus contributes to the production of safe, high quality food produced with due consideration to the environment, safety, animal welfare and production economy.


The vision of the department is to provide research results that contribute to the solution of all types of problems related to pests in Denmark. This research must contribute to ensuring a profitable production of high quality food and minimising the negative impact of pesticides on the environment. In addition, the activities of the department must contribute to the preservation of public values and improvement of the working environment and animal welfare. Within its focus area the department aims at being among the leading institutes in Europe with links to the world’s best research teams. The department shall produce research of great national and international value that can constitute a basis for competent and prompt advice to the industry, authorities and the public. Furthermore, the expertise and qualifications of the department shall be utilised to a greater extent in the education of scientists, in patent applications, for commercial licenses, for the benefit of innovative spin-off activities as well as for activities in developing countries.
