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Home / Research / Departments / Department of Integrated Pest Management / Danish Pest Infestation Laboratory

Danish Pest Infestation Laboratory

Skovbrynet 14
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Head of research unit:  Karl-Martin Vagn Jensen
tel: 45878055 / 89993900
fax: 45931155


DPIL's research group conducts research on pests (insects and mites) on domestic animals, in stores, food production, restaurants and largescale kitchens, on man and pets, in buildings and materials. Furthermore, research is carried out on mammal pests (rats, mice etc.) in all situations. The objective of the group is to be able to recommend pest prevention and management me-thods which can lead to reduced impact on the environment and encourage sustainable production through research.

DPIL's research activities cover the occurrence of pests and population biology, chemical control, alternative control methods including biological control using natural enemies of the pests (predatory and parasitic species, entomopathogenic fungi), insecticide resistance, its prevalence and mode of action, as well as research into methods of monitoring pest occurrence.

DPIL targets its research at enterprises in connection with food production, the pesticide and medicinal industries, service trade, local communities and authorities, museums as well as private persons. DPIL has an advisory service that is used by the authorities, industry and private citizens.

Last updated: Wednesday 14 May 2008 - [email protected]