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Animal nutrition and environmental impact

Blichers Allé
Postbox 50
DK-8830 Tjele

Head of research unit:  Hanne Damgaard Poulsen
tel: 8999 1386
fax: 8999 1525



It is the aim to optimize the nutrition of the domestic animals in relation to production, health, environment and the composition of the products. This will be obtained by establishing and presenting new knowledge about the qualitative and quantitative digestion, absorption, metabolism and nutritive utilization of the animals. This includes also the nutritional requirements of the animals for their different reactions. Furthermore, it is our aim to develop methods and tools for continuing development in the nutrition-physiological area.


  • Establish the professional basis to reduce the emission of nutrients and the production of greenhouse gas in order to minimize the environmental impact
  • Ensure the biological basis for continuing the development of the productive efficiency by research in the nutritional physiology, requirements and utilization of the domestic animals.
  • Determine the effect of the nutrition on the composition and quality of the products
  • Ensure an efficient and commercial use of the research results