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Special topics

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Bioactive components in fruit and vegetables with suggested health beneficial effects
Contact: Stig Purup

Bioactive components in milk with suggested health beneficial effects
Contact: Stig Purup

Degradation of vitamin E in the rumen
Contact: Søren Krogh Jensen

Development of optimal feeding regimens for early and normal weaned beef calves. How should calves weaned early due to low grass quality and low milk yield of the dam be finishing-fed in order to optimize production efficiency and carcass quality. The results of the literature review will be used in following experiments (BSc-project)
Contact: Mogens Vestergaard

Effect of increasing vitamin D to lactating sows on vitamin D status of piglets. (B.Sc. project)
Contact: Charlotte Lauridsen

Effect of nutrition on milk fat composition  (MSc – or Bsc project)
Contact: Kristen Sejrsen

Effect of vitamin D supplementation on reproduction of sows (BSc. project)
Contact: Charlotte Lauridsen

Growth during rearing from weaning to calving, body condition scores and -measures and later milk yield of dairy heifers of three breeds (Jersey, HF and RD) raised on normal or high protein ration from 10 to 22 months of age. Experimental data from 3 yrs of experiment with 150 animals available for analyses. (MSc- or BSc-project)
Contact: Mogens Vestergaard

Importance of emulsifiers for digestion
Contact: Søren Krogh Jensen

Natural or synthetic vitamins for cows                       
Contact: Søren Krogh Jensen

New feeding concept for dairy calves. Different intensive feeding experiments have been and will be performed (2006). Experimental data and samples from rumen, rumen wall and blood available for further analyses. Both laboratory work and animal experimental work can be expected (2 x MSc-project)
Contact: Mogens Vestergaard   or Niels Bastian Kristensen

Production performance and slaughter- and carcass quality of heavy Holstein Friesian young bulls. Three groups of bull calves were raised on different feeding regimes varying in concentrate/roughage ratio and with or without a compensatory growth period. Initial slaughter groups allow for quantitative estimation of accretion rates in body and carcass. Experimental datasets available for further analyses (MSc-project)
Contact: Mogens Vestergaard

Steriods in milk and their biological activity – milk samples need to be analysed (MSc)
Contact: Kristen Sejrsen  or Stig Purup

The impact of weaning on the morfological and histological development of the large intestine in pigs
Contact: Mette Skou Hedemann

The importance of the dietary carbohydrate composition for the establishment of parasites in the gastrointestinal tract of pigs
Contact: Knud Erik Bach Knudsen  or Mette Skou Hedemann

Transfer of fat-soluble vitamins from sow to fetus, including requirement for vitamins to optimal reproduction (M.Sc. project).
Contact: Charlotte Lauridsen

Will chicory roots compared with barley feeding be used to change CLA and other fatty acids in the meat of organic raised and finishing-fed dairy steers. Data from an experiemnt with 40 Holstein steers during the finishing period after the second grazing season are availbale. Data include production performance, slaughter and carcass quality characteristics, some meat quality characteristics as well as complete fatty acid profiles of the meat. MSc- or BSc-project.  
Contact: Mogens Vestergaard

Last updated: Wednesday 14 May 2008 - [email protected]