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What is going on?

September 2006:

Helene Fast Seefeldt, Frans van den Berg, Walter Klöckenberger, Søren Balling Engelsen, Bernd Wollenweber, 2006: Water mobility in the endosperm of high beta-glucan barley mutants as studied by nuclear magnetic resonance imaging. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, in press

March 2006:

Seefeldt, H.F., Viereck, N., Wollenweber, B., Engelsen S.B. 2006. Metabolite profiling of developing barley seeds by single seed HR MAS NMR spectroscopy. Scandinavian Journal of Food & Nutrition 50, 26 supplement. LMC International Food Congress 'Nutrigenomics and Health - from Vision to Food' KVL, 15-16 March 2006

Anne Christiansen, Bernd Wollenweber 2006. Effect of fungicide application on Ramularia collo-cygni infection in barley as analysed by chlorophyll flourescence imaging. In: First European Ramularia Workshop 12-14 March 2006, Göttingen, Germany. Book of Abstracts p 25.

November 2005:

Cerealienetværkets årsmøde d. 3. – 4. november 2005 'Korn – til fødevarer og foder':

Johannes Ravn Jørgensen: EFOS bestemmelse ved hjælp af NIT og NIRS

NJF Seminar 380: Adaptation of Crops and cropping systems to climate change , Odense, November 7-8 2005:

Seefeldt, H.F., Viereck, N. & Wollenweber, B. Impact of a high-temperature event on carbohydrate composition in barley seeds analysed by a novel single seed MAS-NMR analysis. NJF rapport Vol. 1, p46 (2005).

Wollenweber, B., Porter, J.R., Schellberg, J. Interaction of more than one high-temperature episode in spring wheat? NJF rapport Vol. 1, p47 (2005).

Oktober 2005:

Deleuran, L.C, Boelt, B. & Gislum, R., 2005. Frøavl af rajsvingel (Festulolium), Grøn Viden Markbrug 313, 6 pp.

Deleuran, L.C, Bach, I.C. & Kryger, P., 2005. Guleroden i fokus - produktion af frø.

September 2005:

Boelt, B. & Deleuran, L.C, 2005. Coexistence between genetically modified, conventional and organic crops. Availability of organically produced seed of varieties adapted to organic production systems. IFOAM Organic World Congress, September, Adelaide, Australia, In: IFOAM abstracts p. 23.

Boelt, B. & Deleuran, L.C., Phelps, B., 2005. GM organisms threaten organic systems: Towards sustainability, coexistence and organic seed. IFOAM Organic World Congress, September, Adelaide, Australia, In: Workshop abstracts p. 21.

Deleuran, L.C. & Boelt, B., 2005. Seed to seed - strengthening the agricultural production in rural communities. Congress Handbook, IFOAM Organic World Congress, September, Adelaide, Australia, In: IFOAM abstracts p. 39.

Deleuran, L.C. & Boelt, B., 2005. The challenge of producing organic vegetable seeds of high quality in Denmark. DIAS Internal Report No. 226, 8 pp.

August 2005:

Deleuran, L.C. & Flengmark, P.K., 2005. Yield Potential of Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Cultivars in Denmark. Journal of Industrial Hemp, 10 (2), 19-31.June 2005

Å. Staffan Fraysse, Anders L. B. Møller, Lisbeth R. Poulsen, Bernd Wollenweber, Morten J. Buch-Pedersen, and Michael G. Palmgren: A systematic mutagenesis study of Ile282 in transmembrane segment M4 in the plasma membrane H+-ATPase. J. Biol. Chem, 280, 21785-21790, 2005.

May 2005:

Bernd Wollenweber, John R Porter and Thomas Lübberstedt. Need for multidisciplinary research towards a second green revolution. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 8: 337-341 (2005) .

March 2005:

Lise C. Deleuran , René Gislum , Birte Boelt: Placement of nitrogen in spinach (Spinacea oleracea L.): a method to increase seed yield? Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science, 55, 68-75. 2005

L. C. Deleuran and B. Boelt: Establishment and seed production of smooth-stalked meadow grass and tall fescue undersown in spring rapeseed, linseed and field pea.
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science, 55, 23-29. 2005

January 2005:

R. Gislum, B. Boelt, E.S. Jensen, B. Wollenweber, K. Kristensen, 2005. Temporal variation in nitrogen concentration of above ground perennial ryegrass applied different nitrogen fertiliser rates. Field Crops Research 91 (2005) 83–90 .

L. Nistrup, L. Vedel Olsen, B. Wollenweber, 2005. Fysiologiske pletter i korn. Plantekongress 2005 (11.-12.1., Herning Congress Center), Abstracts, 36-37. ISBN 87-984996-6-1.

B.Boelt, L.C. Deleuran, A.M. Dahl Jensen, 2005. Havefrø i tunneler. Plantekongress 2005 (11.-12.1., Herning Congress Center), Abstracts, 270-271. ISBN 87-984996-6-1.

R. Gislum, K. Kristensen, B.Boelt, 2005. Hvordan udnyttes kvælstof bedst i alm. raigræs og strandsvingel? Plantekongress 2005 (11.-12.1., Herning Congress Center), Abstracts, 258-259. ISBN 87-984996-6-1.

B. Boelt, 2005. 1000 kg hvidkløver pr. hr! Plantekongress 2005 (11.-12.1., Herning Congress Center), Abstracts, 260-261. ISBN 87-984996-6-1.


December 2004:

A. M. D. Jensen and N. Roulund. 2004. Occurence of Neotyphodium endophytes in permanent grassland with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) in Denmark. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment 104, 419-427

R. Gislum and B. Boelt. Green Manure as Nitrogen Source in Organic Seed Production of Perennial Ryegrass. Poster at the ASA-CSSA-SSSA 96th Annual Meeting, Science to Secure Food & the Environment, Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 2004, Seattle, Washington, US.

R. Gislum and S.M. Griffith: Tiller Production and Development in Perennial Ryegrass in Relation to Nitrogen Use, Journal of Plant Nutrition vol. 27, issue 12, 2135-2148.

November 2004:

B. Wollenweber - 'Exploring the asynchronous protein metabolism in wheat'. Research grant from SJVF 2005-2007.

September 2004:

Å Staffan Fraysse, Anders L.B. Møller, Lisbeth R. Poulsen, Morten J. Buch-Pedersen, Bernd Wollenweber and Michael G. Palmgren: Mechanism of the plant plasma membrane proton pump: Ile282 in transmembrane segment M4 plays a critical role for proton coordination. Journal of Biological Chemistry, submitted.

Sachse I., Scheller E., Wollenweber B. and Müller T.: Die Bedeutung der direkten Aufnahme von niedermolkularen organischen Verbindungen für den N-Haushalt von Pflanzen. Produktqualität und Nachhaltigkeit: Wo steht die Pflanzenernährung? Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pflanzenernährung, Göttingen, p 4.

August 2004:

Sachse I.: Diploma thesis: 'Direct amino acid acquisition by plant roots'. Tutors and examiners: T. Müller, E. Scheller & B. Wollenweber)

F. Liu: PhD thesis: 'Physiological regulation of pod set in soybean (Glycine max. L. Merr.) during drought at early reproductive stage. External examiners: Prof. B. Davies, Dr B. Wollenweber)

Juli 2004:

Gislum, Boelt, Jensen, Wollenweber, Kristensen: 'Temporal variation in nitrogen concentration of above ground perennial reygrass applied different nitrogen fertiliser rates' Field Crops Research, submitted

Gislum and Griffith: TILLER PRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT IN PERENNIAL RYEGRASS IN RELATION TO NITROGEN USE, Journal of Plant Nutrition vol. 27, issue 12, in press

European Society for Agronomy: VIII ESA Congress, 11-15. 7. 2004, Copenhagen:

'Effects of water deficits and high temperature events in wheat' - B Wollenweber, JR Porter, CR Jensen, J Schellberg

'Optimum nitrogen application strategy for seed production of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) is dependent on plant density and cultivar' - R Gislum, K. Kristensen, B Boelt

June 2004:

"Quantification of nitrogen concentration in perennial ryegrass and red fescue using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) and chemometrics" René Gislum (DJF) , Elisabeth Micklander (KVL) og Jesper Pram Nielsen (KVL). Field Crops Research 88 (2004) 269-277

'New insights towards the understanding of the relationship between seed yield of perennial ryegrass and nitrogen application' 7th International Symposium on Inorganic Nitrogen Assimilation in Plants - from the genome to the agro-ecosystem. Wageningen, The Netherlands, June 23-27. (Rene Gislum)

Bernd Wollenweber has been evaluating educational software for EASA 2004 (European Academic Software awards).

May 2004:

Muligheder for forbedret kvælstofudnyttelse i marken og for reduktion af kvælstoftab - Faglig udredning i forbindelse med forberedelsen af vandmiljøplan III. DJF rapport 103, 2004:
- Ændret sortsvalg i korn (Bernd Wollenweber & Johannes Ravn Jørgensen)
- Tidlig såning af vintersæd (Johannes Ravn Jørgensen)
- Grønne marker (E M Hansen, K Thorup-Kristensen, Johannes Ravn Jørgensen)

11 May

Birte Boelt participated in ‘ Hearing on coexistence between GM crops and non-GM crops’

Gislum, R. - Micklander, E. - Nielsen, J.P. - Quantification of nitrogen concentration in perennial ryegrass and red fescue using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) and chemometrics.
Field Crops Research 88/2 (2004), 269 - 277 . (Rene Gislum)

April 2004:

Hanne B. Hansen, Birthe Mueller, Sven B. Andersen, Johannes R. Jørgensen, and Åse Hansen - Grain Characteristics, Chemical Composition, and Functional Properties of Rye (Secale cereale L.) As Influenced by Genotype and Harvest Year Journal of Agricultural and food chemistry 52: 2282 - 2291 . (2004) (Johannes Ravn Jørgensen)

Marianne Zangenberg, Hanne Boskov Hansen, Johannes R. Jørgensen, and Lars I. Hellgrenpp - Cultivar and Year-to-Year Variation of Phytosterol Content in Rye (Secale cereale L.) Journal of Agricultural and food chemistry 52: 2593 - 2597(2004). (Johannes Ravn Jørgensen)

Plant nutrition and water use efficiency - in: Water use efficiency in Plant Biology (M. Bacon ed.) Blackwell Publishing ISBN 1-4051-1434-7 (Bernd Wollenweber)

In Journal of Plant Nutrition (2003) volumen 26, issue 12 the effect of an additional nitrogen application during growth of perennial ryegrass is described. Perennial ryegrass was grown in hydroponics and destructive harvests were preformed during the vegetative growth phase. The experiment showed that the effect of an additional nitrogen application is dependent on the actual nitrogen status of the plant (Rene Gislum)

November, 2003

The 1st European conference on Co-existence was held in Snekkersten, Denmark 13-14 November, 2003. The conference was attended by 250 scientists, advisers, decision makers and other stakeholders from Europe, Canada, USA, New Zealand and South America.
Further information and Proceedings from the conference are found at or by contacting the Chairman of the Programme Committee Birte Boelt ( [email protected] )

October 2003:

Endophyte test facilities are established at DIAS, Department of Plant Biology in the research group “Crop ecology and Product quality”. Analyses of endophyte-infected grasses are offered in order to determine the toxin content (lolitrem B and ergovaline). Additionally the endophyte infection rate in plants and seed can be determined. These analyses are relevant for those who have grass pastures/crops with endophyte-infected grasses if they consider using the grass as fodder. Livestock might get ill if they eat these toxins in larger concentrations (Anne Mette Dahl Jensen)

Last updated: Monday 11 August 2008 - [email protected]