Welcome to the March 2006 newsletter from the Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences. In this issue you can read about how researchers are learning to control flowering, to breed for better disease resistance and to improve�the health of Europeans with the aid of apples, peaches�and other juicy yummies.� You are welcome to use the articles from the newsletter in other media. Please feel free to recommend the newsletter to others. |
Seminar: Aspects of Growing Transgenic Crops7-8 march 2006 Research Center Flakkebjerg Nutrigenomics and Health � from Vision to FoodMarch 15-16 2006, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL) The 23rd Congress of NJF26-29 June 2007, Copenhagen |
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Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Blichers All� 20, Postboks 50, 8830 TjeleTel: +45 8999 1900